Decluttering Checklist: Pro Tips for a Smooth Move

decluttering checklist

Moving to a new home can be exciting, but it also means packing up all your belongings. The best way to make your move easier is by decluttering first. Getting rid of items you don’t need or use will save you time, energy, and money. Plus, you’ll start fresh in your new space without extra clutter. This guide will walk you through a decluttering checklist to help you decide what to keep and what to let go of.

Why Decluttering is Important Before a Move

Decluttering isn’t just about reducing the number of boxes you have to pack. It’s a chance to sort through your belongings and get rid of anything that’s just taking up space. Moving can be expensive, and the more you bring with you, the higher the cost. Decluttering before a move helps make the whole process smoother and less stressful, so you can settle into your new home more easily.

How to Get Started with a Decluttering Checklist

Before you start decluttering, it’s helpful to have a plan. This checklist will guide you through each room in your house so you can stay organized.

1. Make a Decluttering Schedule

Moving is a big task, so give yourself plenty of time to declutter. Ideally, start six to eight weeks before your move. Begin with rooms you don’t use much, like a guest room or basement, and work your way toward high-traffic areas like the kitchen and bedrooms.

2. Gather Supplies

Having the right supplies will make decluttering easier. You’ll need:

  • Boxes for items you plan to keep
  • Bags for donations and trash
  • Labels and markers
  • Cleaning supplies to wipe down areas as you go

Room-by-Room Decluttering Checklist

Each room in your home has different types of clutter. Below is a list of things to declutter in each space to help make packing easier.


Kitchens can quickly become cluttered with old gadgets and expired food. Here’s how to clear it out:

  • Pantry: Throw away anything expired or stale. Donate unopened non-perishable items you won’t use before your move.
  • Cookware: Keep only the pots and pans you use regularly. Get rid of any duplicates or gadgets you never use.
  • Utensils: Sort through your utensils and keep the essentials. Donate or toss anything you don’t need.
  • Dishes and Glassware: If you have chipped or unused dishes, now is the time to donate them.

Living Room

Your living room should be a comfortable space, not filled with unnecessary items:

  • Books: Donate books you’ve already read or aren’t planning to read again. Keep only your favorites.
  • Decor: Simplify by keeping only the decor that matches your style. Let go of pieces that no longer suit your space.
  • Furniture: If your new home is smaller, think about which pieces will fit and sell or donate the rest.


Your bedroom is a personal space, so declutter it for a fresh start:

  • Clothing: Donate clothes that no longer fit or that you haven’t worn in a year. Try building a simpler, seasonal wardrobe.
  • Shoes and Accessories: Get rid of shoes that are worn out or uncomfortable. Donate accessories you no longer use.
  • Bedding: Keep only the bedding you regularly use and love. Donate old or mismatched sets.


Bathrooms can collect clutter over time with old products. Here’s what to declutter:

  • Toiletries: Toss expired items and combine any half-used bottles. Moving is a good time to start fresh with new products.
  • Makeup: Get rid of expired or unused makeup.
  • Towels: Keep only a few good-quality towels and donate the rest.

Closet and Storage Spaces

Closets and storage spaces are often filled with things we forget about. Here’s how to clean them up:

  • Seasonal Items: Donate or sell decorations and seasonal items you haven’t used in the last few years.
  • Sentimental Items: While it’s important to keep sentimental things, try to part with items that no longer hold value or bring joy.

Common Items: Things to Declutter

When packing up your house, some things to declutter don’t fit into one specific room:

  • Paperwork: Shred or recycle old documents and organize the ones you need to keep.
  • Technology: Recycle old electronics, like outdated phones and laptops, and make sure to erase any personal data.
  • Toys and Games: If you have kids, sort through their toys and donate any they’ve outgrown or no longer use.

Pro Tips for Easy Decluttering

With your decluttering checklist ready, here are a few extra tips to help make the process smoother:

  • Stay Organized: As you go through your items, have separate boxes for keeping, donating, and throwing away.
  • Set Small Goals: Don’t try to declutter everything in one day. Work room by room to avoid getting overwhelmed.
  • Let Go: Moving is a fresh start, so take the opportunity to let go of items that no longer serve you.
  • Donate and Recycle: Whenever possible, donate items in good condition or recycle materials to reduce waste.

Decluttering for a Smooth Move

Decluttering is one of the best things you can do to ensure a smooth and stress-free move. By following this decluttering checklist, you’ll be able to sort through your belongings, pack more efficiently, and save time and money. Plus, decluttering helps you create space for new opportunities and experiences in your new home.

If you’re ready to make your move stress-free, contact Palm Beach Organized today. Our personalized organizing services will help you enjoy a clutter-free home from day one.